Attain Your Ideal Look With EZGel

In the world of aesthetics, patients are always looking for new ways to enhance their looks. A new arrival in the world of injectables, EZGel has quickly made a name for itself among practitioners and patients. EZGel aids patients in achieving the flawless, youthful aesthetic that they dream of having. 

At Bloom Facial Plastic Surgery, our Doctors Bloom and Shtraks utilize only the safest and most effective injectable treatments on their patients, ensuring remarkable, long-lasting results. 

What is EZGel?

EZGel is an innovative plasma filler that utilizes advanced technology to achieve a thorough rejuvenation of the face. This non-surgical procedure is designed to enhance and redefine patients’ facial features, giving natural-looking results without requiring them to undergo invasive procedures. A bio-stimulating injectable, EZGel is a totally natural product that gives patients limitless opportunities through the use of autologous blood concentrates. Instead of relying on synthetic chemicals, EZGel harnesses the natural proteins of the body itself, making it the leading choice for those who are interested in a natural approach and natural-looking results. 

    How does EZGel work?

    EZGel is created through a process of combining growth factors from liquid EZPRF (PRF) and the Albumin of Plasma. This process involves placing a blood sample in a centrifuge to heat it up without using any chemicals or unnatural methods. The outcome is a potent gel formula with versatile viscosity that can be applied to various treatment areas.

    Who is a candidate for EZGel?

    EZGel is typically not recommended for pregnant or nursing moms. Other factors that may affect affect one’s candidacy include:

    • Currently taking antibiotics 
    • Having recently undergone a dental procedure
    • Being recently vaccinated 
    • Having recently undergone radiation therapy

    What does the procedure entail?

    As with any cosmetic treatment, there are some pre-procedure guidelines that patients should follow. Some of these include:

    • Patients should discontinue the use of blood thinners, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or other
    • supplements, at least a week before coming in for their treatment. 
    • Patients should show up with a clean face (no makeup or lotion). 

    The EZGel procedure typically involves the following steps:

    • Thirty minutes before starting the procedure, a topical numbing cream will be applied to the treatment area.
    • The patient’s blood is drawn
    • The blood sample is used to generate Albumin-rich Plasma by utilizing the EZMinispin centrifuge and the EZHeat device
    • The Platelet-rich Fibrin is simultaneously generated by utilizing both the EZMinispin centrifuge and the EZCool device.
    • The plasma and fibrin are combined to create the EZGel product, which is then ready for injection into the patient’s desired treatment locations. 

    What Are the Benefits of EZGel

    A non-surgical approach: EZGel gives patients the opportunity to experience the non-surgical side of facial enhancement. This cutting-edge procedure helps patients achieve remarkable results without involving the risks and downtime associated with invasive interventions.

    Immediate results: After undergoing EZGel, patients experience immediate volume and contouring effects. This revolutionary treatment can help patients get to where they want to be in no time at all.

    Tailored to your needs: Recognizing the individuality of every patient, the team at Bloom Facial Plastic Surgery crafts personalized EZGel treatment plans that cater to your specific needs and goals. Whether you are aiming to enhance your lips, achieve more definition in the cheeks, or contour your jawline, EZGel is designed for your unique aspirations.

    Long-lasting benefits: What sets EZGel apart is the enduring nature of its results, ensuring that patients enjoy their improved look for as long as possible. As with any treatment, however, following after-care instructions and preserving the treatment area will ultimately determine the longevity of the results. 

    A focus on patient comfort: EZGel treatments are designed with your comfort in mind. As our aestheticians administer the product into the treatment areas, patients get to relax in a safe and tranquil environment. 

    What is the Recovery Process like?

    The recovery from EZGel is similar to other non-surgical cosmetic treatments. Some potential side effects include redness, tenderness, swelling, and bruising. While these effects are usually short-lived, patients are encouraged to apply ice to the treatment areas if they are bothersome. It is also vital that patients avoid strenuous activity for at least 24 hours following the treatment. 

    After the treatment, our team will provide you with information on post-procedural considerations to ensure that you are aware of how to proceed. 

    Why Choose Bloom Facial Plastic Surgery?

    At Bloom Facial Plastic Surgery, Doctors Bloom and Shtraks put patient comfort and satisfaction above all else. With their combined decades of experience, they create individualized treatment plans for every patient, ensuring that they leave their practice looking and feeling their best. Patients from all over the Delaware Valley and surrounding areas choose Bloom Facial Plastic Surgery for their incredible attention to detail and remarkable results. 

    Contact our office today to set up a private consultation and learn more about our EZGel treatments. 

    Bloom Facial Plastic Surgery

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